Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Wednesday 12/28/2011

I. Box squat 5x5 (increase wt or lower box)

II. DB step ups 8x3

III. 1 1/4 squat 10x3 (bar)

IV. 3 rounds: 35 weighted situps + 15 K2E

Friday, December 16, 2011

Monday 12/26/2011

50 wb
21 thrusters (95/65)
30 mc
21 thrusters
30 mc
50 wb

II. 60 reverse crunches

Friday 12/23/2011

I. Bench Press 3-5x5 (increase weight from last time)

II. Pullups 8x3 + curls 12x3 (inc. weight)

III. Weighted dips 12x3 increase weight

IV. Rev. crunch x50

Wednesday 12/21/2011


05 box jumps
10 deadlifts (135/95)
10 box jumps
10 deadlifts
15 box jumps
10 deadlifts
20 box jumps
10 deadlifts
25 box jums
10 deadlifts

II. 60 weighted situps + 60 K2E

Monday 12/19/2011

I. Box squat 5x5

II. DB lunge 8x3

III. One-leg squat 8x3

IV. Good mornings 10x3

Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday 12/16/2011

I. 21-15-9 reps

Floor to overhead (115/75)

II. 50 situps + 50 K2E + 50 pushups

Wednesday 12/14/2011

I. Bench press 5x5

II. Pullups 8x4

III. Wt. Dips 15x3

IV. Curls 15x3

(III and IV can be super-setted)

Monday 12/12/2011

I. 3 rounds:

15 burpees
12 deadlifts (185/115)
21 box jumps

II. 100 situps (if time available)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday 12/09/2011

-Box squat 5 reps x 4 sets
-DB step ups 8 reps (each leg) x 3 sets
-One leg squat(leg supported by box/bench)8 reps x 3 sets
-RDL 8 reps x 3 sets

Wednesday 12/7/2011

30 min max:

-20 Thrusters
-20 front squat
-20 Push press
-20 back squat
-20 KB swings
-20 burpees
+ 20 mountain climbers after each exercise

Abs/stretching upon completion

Monday 12/5/2011

-Bench press 5 reps x4 sets
-Pullups 8 reps x 3 sets
-Weighted dips 12 reps x 3 sets
-Press 8 reps x 3 sets

30 min time limit

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Friday 12/02/2011

I. Florida Overheads x30

II. 15 minutes to complete:
-10 to 1 box jumps
-1 to 10 burpees

Remainder of 15 minutes: weighted situps

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wednesday 11/30/2011

I. Bench x50 reps

II. Close grip bench x40 + curls x50

III. Situps (weighted) 50-40-30 + 6" (4-count) 25-20-15

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Monday 11/28/2011

I. Squat x50 reps

II. RDL's x30

III. 50-40-30 reps:

-weighted situps

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday 11/25/2011

I. Floor to overhead x20 increase weight

II. Good mornings x30

III. Russian twists 15x3 + DB pushups 15x3

Wednesday 11/23/2011

I. Deadlift x20 reps increase weight

II. Pullups x30

III. Situps 60-40-20 + DB pres 30-20-10

Runners workout for those running the Turkey Trot

Monday 11/21/2011

I. Bench x40 reps (increase weight)

II. Weighted dips x50 + curls x50

III. Situps:
-65 weighted
-35 non weighted

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Friday 11/18/2011

I. Squat x40 reps (increase weight from last workout)

II. RDL x30 reps (3 sets)

III. 50-35-20 reps:

-Russian Twists

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Wednesday 11/16/2011

I. Floor to overhead: 25 reps

II. Good morning: 30 reps

III. Situps 10-12x4 + K2E 10-12x4, alternating each exercise

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Monday 11/14/2011

I. Deadlift x50

II. Box squats 10x3

III. Sit-ups 50-40-30-20-10 +
Presses 25-20-15-10-5

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Friday 11/11/11

I. Bench 50 reps

II. Weighted dip x40 reps
Curls x40 reps

III. Situps:
-50 weighted
-50 non-weighted

Remember the USMC birthday is Thursday 11/10; Outcast Paul may not be feeling too well in the morning.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday 11/09/11

I. Squat x50

II. RDL x30


-run 400x1, then AMRAP:
-20 weighted sit-ups
7 db pushups

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Monday 11/07/2011

I. Floor to overhead 20 total reps

II. Good mornings 30 total reps

III. Pullups 20 total reps

IV. Sit-ups x100

Friday 11/04/2011

I. Deadlift 40 total reps

II. OHS 30 total reps

III. Situps 120 total reps

Wednesday 11/02/2011

I. Bench 40 total reps

II. Weighted dips 30 total reps

III. Pushups 40 total reps

Monday 10/31/11

I. Squat: 40 total reps

II. RDL: 30 total reps

III. Weighted situps: 100 total reps

New cycle. The object is to find a weight that you can do the prescribed reps with in 4 sets or less, for the first two exercises. Once the reps/sets scheme is reached, you will increase the weight used for the next workout.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Friday 10/28/11

I. Deadlift 8x4 reps (try to increase weight from last week)

II. 3 rounds:

Max reps bench + max reps pullups

Wednesday 10/26/2011

I. Push press 15-12-10-10

II. 3 min/AMRAP with 1min rest between:

-7 KB swings + 7 box jumps
-7 wallballs + 7 pushups
-7 deadlifts (135/75) + 7 burpees

Monday 10/24/2011

I. Squat 15-12-10-10

II. 3 rounds fo time:

10 pullups
20 pushups
30 situps
40 squats

Browns won, but they still blow. No talent, drama every year, blah-blah-blah, etc... Let's go Cavs. Oh, wait. No basketball. Okay, let's go tribe. Oh wait, they suck too. Can we bring back the Force?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wednesday 10/19/2011

I. Deadlift 8x4

II. 1 round:

-Run 1 mi
-100 weighted situps

Monday 10/17/2011

I. Push press 12-15 reps x4 rounds

II. 4 rounds (not fo time):

-12 curls (DB or barbell)
-20 dips
-25 weighted situps

Friday 10/14/2011

I. Squat 15x4

II. 21-15-9 reps:

-Box jumps
-run 200m each round

Wednesday 10/12/2011

I. Bench press 15x4

II. 4 rounds (not fo time):

-30 weighted situps
-20 pushups
-10 pullups

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Monday 10/10/11

I. Deadlift 10 x 4 sets

II. 10 min/OTM:

Floor to overhead (95/65)

Will begin the first minute with three reps, then increase by one every minute.

Friday 10/07/2011

I. Push press 10 x 4 sets

II. 4 rounds (not timed):
-10 curls
-15 dips
35 weighted situps

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wednesday 10/05/11

I. Squat 10 reps x 4 sets

II. 4 rounds (not for time)

-05 thrusters
-05 pull ups
-30 weighted situps

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Monday 10/03/2011

I. Bench press 8x4 rounds

II. 3 rounds (not for time)

35 weighted sit-ups
25 pushups
15 pull ups

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Friday 09/23/2011

I. Bench press 3x10 OTM

II. 2 rounds:

-20 power snatches (75/45)
-10 box jumps
200m run

Wednesday 09/21/2011

I. Deadlift 2x10 OTM

II. 3 rounds:

-run 200m
-10 power cleans (115/75)

III. 55 weighted situps, ^weight

Monday 09/19/2011

I. Power snatch 2x10 OTM

II. 12 min:

-Run 800m x1
-Remainder of time, AMRAP 5 floor to overhead (95/65) + 15 weighted situps

Let's celebrate the Browns first win of 2011. All is forgiven and forgotten from last weeks performance. Can we book reservations for the playoffs? Does anyone besides me have Super Bowl thoughts? It's our year folks.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Friday 09/16/2011

I. Bench press 3x10 OTM

-100 back squats (65/45)
-5 hand release pushups at the top of every minute
-400m run

Wednesday 09/14/2011

I. Squat 3x10 OTM

II. 12 min AMRAP:
-05 box jumps
-10 burpees
200m run

III. 50 situps (^ previous weight)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Monday 09/12/2011

I. Push press 3x10, OTM

-Run 800m
30 power snatch (75/45)
-Run 800m

Friday 09/09/2011

I. Power clean 3x10, OTM


-Run 400m
-20 weighted situps
-Run 800m
-40 weighted situps
-Run 400m
-60 weighted situps

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Wednesday 09/07/2011

I. Bench Press 2x10 on the minute for 10 minutes


50 weighted situps
Run 400m
30 power cleans (95/65)
Run 400m
50 weighted situps
Run 400m

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Friday 09/02/2011

I. Squat 2x10 on the minute


Run 800m x1
50 curls
50 dips

Wednesday 08/31/2011

I. Push press 2x10, on the minute

II. 12 minutes:

Run 800 x1
AMRAP 20 pushups + 20 weighted situps

Monday 08/29/2011

I. Power clean 2x10 on the minute

II. 10 minutes to complete the following 2 rounds:

200m run
20 burpees
30 weighted situps

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Friday 08/26/2011

I. Press 15-12-10-10

II. 10 minutes to complete the following:
-Run 800m
-50 floor to overhead (95/65)

III. 100 weighted situps

Wednesday 08/23/2011

I. Deadlift 5 sets/3 reps (find your working weight and use for all 5 sets)

II. 10 minutes to complete the following:
-Run 800m
-50 back squats with weight

III. 100 weighted situps

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Monday 08/22/2011

Bench press 15-12-10-10

AMRAP 10 min:

10 barbell curls
10 dips

95 weighted sit-ups

*run will be dependent on how fast the workout is completed

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Friday 08/19/2011

I. Squat 15-12-10-10

II. AMRAP/10 min

3 box jumps
6 pushups
9 lateral jumps

III. 1 round:

800m run
90 weighted sit-ups

Monday, August 8, 2011

Wednesday 08/17/2011

I. Standing press 4 x 12 reps

II. AMRAP in 10 min:
-(3 barbell ft. squat + 3 push press + 3 back squat)x3
-5 one-arm DB press (5 each arm)

III. Run 800m + 85 weighted situps

Monday 08/15/2011

I. Deadlift 10-12 reps x 4 sets

II. AMRAP in 10 min:
-5 burpees
-barbell thrusters

III. Run 800m + 80 weighted situps

Yes, you read it right, we are incorporating burpees back in the picture. 5 at a time isn't going to hurt anyone. Me and my fitness guru, John Basedow, do them all the time.

Friday 08/12/2011

I. Bench 4 x 12 reps (try using same weight as last week)

II. AMRAP in 10 min:
-barbell curl x5
-dips x5

III. Run 800m + 75 weighted situps

Wednesday 08/10/11

I. Squat 4 x 12 reps (try to use the same weight as last week with the increased reps)

II. AMRAP in 10 min:
-Side lunge x6
-One-legged squats x8 (place one foot on box; 4L + 4R)

III. Run 800m + 70 weighted situps

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Monday 08/08/2011

I. Standing press 10 x 4 sets

IIa. Mountain climbers x10(L + R = 1)
IIb. DB pushup/row combo x6

III. Run 800m/65 weighted sit-ups

I'm "back on the crack"; vodka, that is. Nothing like some absolute and red bull (diet of course). I think this change from high alcohol beer to some good clean vodka might be exactly what my body is looking for (although at this very moment of posting I'm drinking some good vino rosso). Changing things up is usually a good thing. Welcome Dave back from Baltimore too, he went there specifically to get some crabby patties. Good to have him back.

Friday 08/05/2011

I. Deadlift 10 x 4sets

IIa. Good morning x 5
IIb. Dips x5 (alternating exercises for 10 min)

III. Weighted situps x60/run 800m

Welcome Patrick back from Pittsburgh. A city hated by Cleveland, only because they actually have a pro sports team that wins consistently. Hopefully he'll have some Iron City beer for us in the morning

Wednesday 08/03/2011

I. Bench press 10 x 4 sets

IIa. Pushups x5
IIb. DB curl x5 (10 min, alternating exercises)

III. Run 800m/weighted situps x55

Few notes: 1. I'm happy to report that I'm "back on the crack"-bourbon ale is acceptable again. 2. Let's welcome Suzanne back from Tex-ass, hope she had a good time. 3. Good luck to John Gilbert (Dr Seuss sock-wearer), he opened a @#$%*fit affiliate in Medina. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of @#$*fit, (I still feel it's pretty worthless shit and only good if your idea of working out is to be sore, tired, injury-prone, and vomiting) John is a good guy and works out hard. Best wishes.

Monday 08/01/2011

I. Squat 10 x 4 sets (pick a weight and use it for all 4 sets)

IIa. DB step-ups x6
IIb. Air squats x5
These are alternated, attempt to perform AMRAP in 10 minutes

III. Run 800m/50 weighted situps

First day of new cycle.

Friday 07/29/2011

Run 800m
20 floor to overhead (95/65)
Run 800m
75 situps

*We begin a new cycle on Monday. Let's celebrate by doing a crossfit-type workout. We'll get tired and sore but see no real benefit. Or, you can just bring a six pack and watch, which will be just as effective as doing crossfit.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wednesday 07/27/2011

I. Max Bench Press 5-3-1-1-1-etc...

II. 3 rounds:

25 KB swings
25 situps
400m run

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Monday 07/25/2011

I. Max Squat

II. One round:

Back squat x40 (65/45)
Run 800m

Friday 07/22/2011

I. Max push press


Push press x21 (75/45)
Run 200m
Push press x18
Run 200m
Push press x15
Run 200m

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wednesday 07/20/2011

I. Deadlift max 5-3-1-...

II. 12 min/AMRAP:

05 Floor to overhead (115/85)
10 pushups
15 squats

Monday 07/18/2011

I. Bench press 3x5 sets

II. 3 rounds:

Max bench press (50%-60% or 1rm)'
200m run

Friday 07/15/2011

I. Squat 3x5 sets

II. 10-1 ladder:

Power clean (95/65)
Box jumps

Wednesday 07/13/2011

I. Push press 3x5 sets

II. 12 min/AMRAP:

200m run + max pullups

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Monday 07/11/2011

I. Deadlifts 3x5

II. 1 round:

Run 200m
15 OHS
Run 400m
15 power snatches
Run 200m
15 floor to overhead

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Friday 07/01/2011

21 deadlifts (185/95)
Run 800m
15 deadlifts
Run 800m
09 deadlifts
Run 800m

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Wednesday 06/29/2011

I. Bench Press 5x5

II. 12 min/AMRAP:

05 push press (115/75)
07 box jumps
200m run

Monday 06/27/2011

I. Squat 5x5

II. 1 round:

30 DB cleans
30 pullups
800m run

Friday 06/24/2011

I. Push press 5x5

II. 12 min/AMRAP:

25 situps
20 dips
200m run

Wednesday 06/22/2011

I. Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5

II. 40-30-20 reps:


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monday 06/20/2011

I. M.E. Power Snatch 5-3-1...

II. AMRAP 12 min:

06 deadlifts (155/95)
12 pushups
15 box jumps

Friday 06/17/2011

I. M.E. Bench Press 5-3-1...

II. 4 rounds:

10 K2E
20 bench dips
20 pushups

Wednesday 06/15/2011

I. M.E. Squat 5-3-1...

II. 4 rounds:

10 DB step-ups (each leg = 1)
30 situps

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Monday 06/13/2011

I. Max Effort Press 5-3-1

II. 5 sets:

25 situps
20 pushups
10 pullups

Monday, June 6, 2011

Friday 06/10/2011

I. Power snatch 3x5 sets

II. 50 reps:

Box jumps
KB swings

Wednesday 06/08/2011

I. Squat 3x5 sets

II. 12 min/AMRAP:

OHS x12
Run 200m

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Monday 06/06/2011

I. Bench press 3x5 sets

II. 12 min/on the minute + 1:

Floor to overhead (95/65)

Friday 06/03/2011

I. Standing press 3x5

II. AMRAP/7 min:

(5 deadlifts + 5 hang cleans + 5 thrusters)95/65
Run 800m

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wednesday 06/01/2011

I. Power snatch 5x5


10 lateral jumps
10 pushups
10 lateral jumps
09 pushups
10 lateral jumps
08 pushups...
10 lateral jumps
01 pushup

Friday 05/27/2011

I. Bench Press 5x5

II. 2 rounds:

25 dips
Run 200m
25 pushups
Run 200m

Wednesday 05/25/2011

I. Squat 5x5

II. 3 rounds:

12 DB lunges (L + R = 1)
20 K2E

Monday 05/23/2011

I. Standing press 5x5

II. 12 min/AMRAP:
-05 pushups
-15 box jumps
-20 situps

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Friday 05/20/2011

I. M.E. Deadlift

II. 3 rounds:

-(pushup/DB row/pushup/DB row/DB thruster)x7
-run 400m

Monday, May 9, 2011

Wednesday 05/18/2011

I. M.E. Bench press

II. 5 rounds:

-7 thrusters (95/65)
-7 pullups

Monday 05/16/2011

I. M.E. Squat

II. 15 min/AMRAP:

-20 KB swings
-200m run

Workout option 2:

Post marathon stretch workout

Wednesday 05/11/2011

I. M.E. floor to overhead

II. 10 min/AMRAP:

-1o deadlifts 135/95
-10 pushups

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Monday 05/09/2011


I. Deadlift 5x5

II. 4 rounds:

-10 box jumps
-10 wallballs
-25 situps

Friday 05/06/2011


I. Bench press 5x5
II. 3 rounds:
-Max reps bench press (135/75)
-max reps pullups

128th Academy:

Run 1 mile
100 pushups
150 situps
200 squats
Run 1 mile

(pushups/situps/squats can be combined, ex.: 10 rounds of 10 pushups/15 situps/20 squats)

Thursday 05/05/2011

128th Academy:

25 bodybuilders
100 walking lunges
50 box jumps
100 situps
25 bodybuilders

Wednesday 05/04/2011


I. Back squat 5x5

II. 30 reps back squat (135/95)
1/2 mile run

128th Academy:

5 rounds:

1 min jump rope
30 pushups
30 situps

Tuesday 05/03/2011

128th Academy:

Situps: one set to failure
Pushups: one set to failure
1/4 mile interval x6

Monday 05/02/2011


I. Floor to overhead 5-5-5-5-5

II. 3 rounds/AMRAP (1 min rest between):
-3 power cleans (135/95)
-6 pushups
-9 air squats

128th Academy (WEEK 16/Final week of online workouts)

10 rounds:

15 squats
15 situps
10 burpees

Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday 04/29/2011


Push press 15x1; 3x3 @80%; 3x3 @90%

B1: Close grip bench 8x4 sets
B2: K2E 15x4 sets

128th Academy:

State SPO test

Thursday 04/28/2011

128th Academy:

50-40-30-20-10 reps:

wall balls
box jumps

Wednesday 04/27/2011


Pause squat: 10x1; 3x3 @80%; 3x3 @90%

B1: DB step-ups 8x4 sets
B2: RDL 8x4 sets

128th Academy:

3 rounds:

2 minutes jump rope
50 situps
50 pushups

Tuesday 04/26/2011

128th Academy:

7 rounds:

7 DB presses
7 burpees
7 pullups

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Monday 04/25/2011


Bench press 20x1; 3x3 @80%; 3x3 @90%

B1-Dips 15x4
B2-Pushup 20x4

128th Academy (WEEK 15)

1/2 mile interval x6; rest 90 seconds

Friday 04/22/2011


Snatch 3x3 @80%; 3x3 @90%

B1-Pullups 15x1; 3-5x5 sets
B2-Rows 15x1; 10x5 sets

128th Academy:

SPO test

Thursday 04/21/2011

128th Academy:

10 rounds:

5 pullups
10 bodybuilders

Wednesday 04/20/2011


A1-Push press 20x1; 3x3 @75%; 3x3 @85%

B1-Close grip bench-10x4 sets
B2-K2E-12x4 sets

128th Academy:

1/4 mile interval x8; rest 30 seconds

Friday, April 15, 2011

Tuesday 04/19/2011

128th Academy:

Total rounds in 20 minutes:

05 pullups
10 pushups
15 situps

Friday, April 8, 2011

Monday 04/18/2011


A. 1 1/4 squat 15x1; 3x3 @75%; 3x3 @ 85%

B1. DB lunge 8 x 4 sets
B2. RDL 8 x 4 sets

128th Academy (WEEK 14)

1/2 mile interval x 4. Rest 90 seconds between

Friday 04/15/2011


A. Bench press: 20x1; 3x3 @75%; 3x3 @85%

B1. DB Bench 15 x 4 sets
B2. PVC pushups 15 x 4 sets

128th Academy:

3 rounds:

1/2 mile run
21 bodybuilders

Thursday 04/14/2011

128th Academy:

21-18-15-12-9-6-3-6-9-12-15-18-21 reps:


Wednesday 04/13/2011


A. Hang power snatch 3x3 @75%; 3x3 @ 85%

B1. Pullups or chinups 10x1; 3-5 x 4 sets
B2. Barbell/DB rows 15x1; 8 x 4 sets

*New 8 day cycle begins today

128th Academy:

SPO Test

Tuesday 04/12/2011

128th Academy:

50 reps:

Box jumps
DB presses
Jumping pullups

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Monday 04/11/11


A1-OHS: 5x4 sets
A2-Ring rows: 8-10 x 4 sets

B1-Bench press: 20 x 1; 5 x 4 sets
B2-DB step ups: 8 (each leg) x 4 sets

128th Academy (WEEK 13)

5 rounds:
1/4 mile run
50 situps

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Friday 04/08/2011


A1-Hang power clean 2-3 x 5 sets
A2-Close grip bench 8 x 5 sets

B1-Good mornings-15 x 5 sets
B2-Elevated pushups- amrap x 5 sets

128th Academy:

3 rounds:

Run 1/2 mile
50 situps

Thursday 04/07/2011

128th Academy:

Total rounds in 20 minutes:

15 walking lunges
10 burpees
05 pullups

Wednesday 04/06/2011


A1-Squat 30x1; 2-3 x 5 sets
A2-Pullups 20x1; 8-10 x 5 sets

B1-Situps 40x1; 20 x 3-4 sets
B2-Seated press 6-8 x 3-4 sets

128th Academy:

Run 1/2 mile, rest 1.5 minutes
Run 1/2 mile, rest 2 minutes
Run 1/4 mile, rest 1 minute
Run 1/4 mile

Tuesday 04/05/2011

128th Academy:

Pushup ladder:

(1 pushup-15 situps; 2 pushups-15 situps-3 pushups-15 situps...15 pushups-15 situps)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday 04/04/2011


A1-Deadlift 30 x 1; 2-3 x 5 sets
A2-Dips 30 x 1; 8-10 x 5 sets

B1-DB lunge 8(each leg) x 3-4 sets
B2-Standing press 8 x 3-4 sets

*attempt to increase weight from previous workout

128th Academy (WEEK 12)

1. Run 1/2 mile
2. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps:
3. Run 1/2 mile

Friday 04/01/2011


A1-OHS 5 x 4 sets
A2-Ring rows amrap x 4 sets

B1-Bench press 12-10-8-6 (increase weight each set)
B2-DB step ups 10 (each leg) x 4 sets

128th Academy:

Mid Term Test at Tri-C

Thursday 03/31/2011

128th Academy:

100 bodybuilders, for time

Wednesday 03/30/2011


A1-Hang power clean 5 x 5 sets
A2-Close grip bench press 8 x 5 sets

B1-Good mornings 15 x 5 sets
B2-Bar pushups amrap x 5 sets

128th Academy:

4 rounds:

50 box jumps
50 walking lunges
15 pullups

Tuesday 03/29/2011

128th Academy:

50 situps
50 pushups
1.5 mile run

No rest in between exercises

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Monday 03/28/2011


A1-Squat 30x1; 5 x 3-4 sets
A2-Pullups 20x1; 2-3 x 3-4 sets
B1-Situps 40x1; 15 x 3-4 sets
B2-Seated DB press 8-10 x 3-4 sets

128th Academy (WEEK 11)

100 squats
88 situps
77 walking lunges
66 pushups
55 box jumps
50 burpees

Friday 03/25/2011


A1-Deadlift: 30x1; 5 x 3-4 sets
A2-Dips: 30x1; 8-10 x 3-4 sets
B1-DB lunges: 10(each leg) x 3-4 sets
B2-Standing press 10 x 3-4 sets

Today we begin a new cycle, incorporating a different approach than our last cycle. We will be focusing on work volume, (as opposed to maximal strength) by incorporating supersets in our workouts.

128th Academy:

Run 1/2 mile
50 pushups
run 1/2 mile
50 situps
Run 1/2 mile
35 pushups
Run 1/2 mile
35 situps

Thursday 03/24/2011

128th Academy:

40 pullups
120 situps
200 squats

Finish exercises in order

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wednesday 03/23/2011


I. Floor to overhead x2, every minute for 10 minutes
II. 10 rounds:

-3 lateral jumps
-7 chest to floor pushups

128th Academy:

1/2 mile interval runs x5 (90 seconds rest between runs)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tuesday 03/22/2011

128th Academy:

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps:

weighted lunges (L + R = 1 rep)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Monday 03/21/2011


I. Bench Press 1RM
II. 5 rounds:
-(DB pushup + row + pushup + row + squat clean + thruster)x5
-5 pullups

128th Academy (WEEK 10):

3 rounds:

1/2 mile run
21 burpees w/2 pushups

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Friday 03/18/2011


I. Squat 1RM
II. AMRAP in 10 minutes:

10 jump overs
10 power snatch (75/55)

128th Academy:


Thursday 03/17/2011

128th Academy:

Situps/pushups/box jumps:


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wednesday 03/16/2011


I. Push press: 5/75%-3@85%-1 for max
II. 50 reps:
KB swings
Box jumps
DB lunge

128th Academy:

Run 1.5 miles

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tuesday 03/15/2011

128th Class:

Total rounds in 15 minutes:

5 burpees
10 vertical jumps
15 mountain climbers

Friday, March 11, 2011

Monday 03/14/2011


I. Bench press 3x5 @80% of 1RM
II. Total rounds in 12 minutes:

05 K2E
10 lateral jumps
15 mountain climbers w/pushup

128th Academy (WEEK 9):

Take a sample state test (max situps, max pushups, 1.5 mile run)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Friday 03/11/2011


I. Squat 3x5 @80% of 1RM
II. Total rounds in 1o minutes:

06 box jumps
09 elevated pushups
12 situps

128th Academy:

3 rounds:

Run 1/2 mile
50 squats

Thursday 03/10/2011

128th Academy:

Jump rope 5 minutes
30 box jumps
30 wallballs
Jump rope 3 minutes
25 box jumps
25 wallballs
Jump rope 1 minute
20 box jumps
20 wallballs

Wednesday 03/09/2011


I. Push press 3x5 @80% of 1RM

II. 5 rounds (105/75)

6 deadlifts
6 rows
6 power clean
6 push press
6 pushups

128th Academy:

Run 1.5 miles

Monday, March 7, 2011

Tuesday 03/08/2011

128th Academy:

Total rounds in 20 minutes:

15 jumping jacks
15 bodybuilders
15 squats

Friday, March 4, 2011

Monday 03/07/2011


I. Deadlift 5x3 @60-70% 1RM (this workout will be used as a lighter strengthening/stretching workout)
II. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps DB thruster/pushup
11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20 reps situps

128th Academy (WEEK 8)

4 rounds:

Run 1/2 mile
25 situps
25 pushups

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Friday 03/04/2011


I. Bench press 5x5 @70% of 1RM
II. Pullups 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 w/10 pushups in between each set of pullups

128th Academy:

1 minute at each station x 3 rounds:

Box jumps
Wall balls
Push press
Jump rope

With a continuously running clock, you will do AMRAP for 1 minute of the listed exercises before moving to the next station. Once you go thru all 5 stations, you will get a 1 minute break. 3 rounds total

Thursday 03/03/2011

128th Academy:

50 reps of each:

Box jumps
Walking lunges
Wall balls

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wednesday 03/02/2011


I. Squat 5x5 @70% 1RM
II. 3 rounds:

24 Weighted DB lunge
20 K2E

128th Academy:

Run 1.5 miles
Rest 3 minutes
1/4 mile interval x3 w/1 minute rest between

Monday, February 28, 2011

Tuesday 03/01/2011

21-18-15-12-9-6-3-1-3-6-9-12-15-18-21 reps:


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Monday 02/28/2011


I. Push press 5x5 @70% of 1RM
II. 5 rounds:

Bench dips x12
Pullups x12

128th Academy (WEEK 7)

"Deck of Cards"

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Friday 02/25/2011


I. Push press 5x5
II. 21-15-9 reps:

Floor to overhead (95/65)
Bench dips

128th Academy:

Mid-Term Assessment

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Thursday 02/24/2011

128th Academy:

7 rounds:

10 pullups
10 bodybuilders

Wednesday 02/23/2011


I. Squat 3-3-3-1-1-1
II. 50 reps:
KB swings + lunge + push press + wall balls + situps

128th Academy:

Run 1.5 miles
Rest 3 minutes
1/4 mi interval x2, fast as possible w/1 minute rest between intervals

Tuesday 02/22/2011

128th Academy:

50-40-30-20-10 reps:

Wall balls
Box jumps

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Monday 02/21/2011


I. Hang power clean 3-3-3-1-1-1
II. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1:

Clapping pushups
Box jumps

128th Academy (WEEK 6)

Run 1/2 mile
75 squats
Run 1/2 mile
50 squats
Run 1/2 mile
25 squats

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thursday 02/17/2011

128th Academy:

Every minute at the top of the minute for 20 minutes:

3 pullups
6 pushups
9 squats

Monday, February 14, 2011

Wednesday 02/16/2011


I. Squats 5x5
II. 2 minutes jump rope
2 minutes Rowing
2 minutes box jumps
2 minutes pushups
2 minutes situps

128th Academy:

Run 1/2 mile, rest 2 minutes
Run 1/4 mile, rest 1 minute
Run 1/2 mile

Max effort

Tuesday 02/15/2011

128th Academy:

Jump rope 5 minutes
Max situps 5 minutes
Jump rope 3 minutes
Max pushups 3 minutes
Jump rope 1 minute
Max squats 1 minute

Continuously running clock, jump rope for 5 minutes straight; start up immediately after missing. Continue on to max situps in 5 minutes, etc... Workout should be 18 minutes exactly.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Monday 02/14/2011


I. Hang power clean 5-5-5-3-3-3
II. 7 rounds:
7 power cleans (95/65)
7 push press (95/65)
7 K2E

128th Academy (WEEK 5)

3 rounds:
1/2 mile run
30 situps

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Friday 02/11/2011

Outcast: 5x5

I. Close grip bench press
II. Total rounds in 10 minutes:
50 rope jumps
10 box jumps

128th Academy:

:20 seconds work/:10 seconds rest of the following:


Thursday 02/10/2011

128th Academy:

21-18-15-12-9-6-3-1 reps:


21 situps-21 squats-21 burpees-18 situps-18 squats-18 burpees-etc...

Wednesday 02/09/2011


Workout I: (power clean + front squat + push press + back squat + snatch press)x3x5
You will do 3 reps of this complex to equal one set. 5 sets total, attempt to increase weight each round.

Workout II: 3 rounds:
40 squats
10 power cleans (135/95)
20 bar pushups

128th Academy:

Run 1.5 miles for best time

Monday, February 7, 2011

Tuesday 02/08/2011

128th Academy:

Total rounds in 20 minutes:

10 pushups
15 situps
20 squats

Friday, February 4, 2011

Monday 02/07/2011

Outcast Workout:

Warmup:(2 snatch pulls + 2 snatch push press + 2 OHS)x4
Workout I: Bench dips 5x5
Workout II: 22-16-8 reps:

One arm KB swings

128th Academy (WEEK 4):

4 rounds:
Run 1/4 mile
40 situps
30 pushups

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Friday 02/04/2011

Outcast Workout:
Warmup: (tricep DB press + pushups + PVC pass-thrus)x3x10

Workout I: Close grip bench press 10-8-6-4-4-4
Workout II: 3 rounds
Max rep bench press (135/65)
Max rep pullups (if doing jumping pullups, 15 minimum)

128th Academy:

2 minute interval runs w/pushup ladder (21-18-15-12-9-6)

Thursday 02/03/2011

128th Academy:

Total rounds in 20 minutes:

5 burpees w/2 pushups
10 situps
15 walking lunges

Wednesday 02/02/2011

128th Academy:

Run 1 mile
Rest 4 minutes
Run 1 mile

Monday, January 31, 2011

Tuesday 02/01/2011

128th Academy:

21-18-15-12-9-6-3-1 reps:

Box jumps

21 pushups- 21 situps-21 box jumps-18 pushups-18-situps-18 box jumps-etc...
If you don't have access to a box, use stairs. Jump up, step back down to avoid injury

Friday, January 28, 2011

Monday 01/31/2011

I. Dips-skill work
(Ring dips, bench dips, PVC dips-we will begin working on improving this skill)

II. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3(95/65) reps:
Sumo deadlifts
Push press

128th Academy (WEEK 3)

Run 1/4 mile
50 squats
Run 1/4 mile
40 squats
Run 1/4 mile
30 squats
Run 1/4 mile
20 squats

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Friday 01/28/2011

I. Push press 3-3-3-1-1-1

II. Power snatch (95/65)x30

128th Academy:

100 situps
100 pushups
100 squats

Exercises are completed in the order listed before progressing to the next exercise. Strict emphasis will be placed on performing to the State-standard. Squats are full depth (crease of the hip below the knee at bottom of each squat).

Thursday 01/27/2011

128th Academy:

75 bodybuilders, for time

(Squat + legs back into pushup position + pushup + legs apart + legs together + back into squat position + stand back up)= one bodybuilder

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wednesday 01/26/2011

I. Deadlift 3-3-3-1-1-1

II. Total rounds in 10 minutes:

10 DB front squats
10 DB push press
10 situps

128th Academy:

Run 1/4 mile
75 squats
Run 1/4 mile
75 squats
Run 1/4 mile

Monday, January 24, 2011

Tuesday 01/25/2011

128th Academy:

Total rounds in 20 minutes:

5 burpees
10 lunges
15 squats

Doing all of the above = 1 round. Do as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes; least amount of rest as possible

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Monday 01/24/2011

Power snatch 3-3-3-1-1-1

7 rounds:
10 pullups
10 K2E

128th Academy (Week 2)

1/4 mile run
50 situps
1/4 mile run
40 situps
1/4 mile run
30 situps
1/4 mile run
20 situps

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Friday 01/21/2011

I. Push press 5-5-5-3-3-3

II. 21-15-9 reps:
Deadlift (225/135)
Clapping pushups

128th Academy:

Initial Assessment

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Thursday 01/20/2011

128th Academy:

Rest, prepare for Initial Assessment on Friday

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wednesday 01/19/2011

Workout I:
Deadlift 5-5-5-3-3-3

Workout II: 3 rounds:
10 power cleans (95/65)
10 pullups
20 pushups
30 squats

128th Academy:

50 situps
Run 1 mile
50 situps
Run 1 mile

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tuesday 01/18/2011

128th Academy:

Total rounds in 20 minutes:

05 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Monday 01/17/2011

Power snatch 5-5-5-3-3-3

18-15-12 reps:

Thrusters (95/65)
KB swings
Box jumps

128th Academy (WEEK 1):

4 rounds:
1/4 mile run
30 situps

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Friday 01/14/2011

Workout I: Bench press 3-3-3-1-1-1

Workout II: 10 min/total rounds:

12 Deadlift (135/95)
21 wallballs

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wednesday 01/12/2011

Warmup: 3 rounds
5 pullups
10 situps
15 squats

Workout I: Squats 3-3-3-1-1-1

Workout II: 3 rounds

Back squat + press x25
Lateral hops x25

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Monday 01/10/2011

I. Power clean 3-3-3-1-1-1

II. 21-15-9 reps:

Thrusters (95/65)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Friday 01/07/2011

5 pullups
10 situps
15 PVC passthrus

Workout I:

Bench press 5-5-5-3-3-3

Workout II:

21-15-9 reps
OHS (95/55)
Box jumps

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wednesday 01/05/2011

Warmup- 5-10-15

OHS stretch

Workout I: 5-5-5-3-3-3
Squats (choose back or front)

Workout II:
30 reps floor to overhead (135/85)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Monday 01/03/2011

I. Power clean 5-5-5-3-3-3

II. 5 rounds:

05 K2E
10 DB cleans
15 pushups