Sunday, May 30, 2010

Monday 05/31/2010


3 rounds:

800m run
50 situps
50 KB swings

T&T Workout (8/1):

Run 1 mile
50 pullups
150 pushups
300 squats
Run 1 mile

Workout begins and ends with 1 mile run. Exercises can be done in order, or partitioned anyway necessary (ex: 10 rounds of 5 pullups/15 pushups/30 squats). Give yourself a strict 45 minute time limit-this will be a very challenging workout physically and mentally. Workouts for the rest of the week will be scaled down, leading up to your final test.


  1. 40:13 w/ jumping pull ups. exercises broken up into 10 sets of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 20 squats and then another 5 sets of 10 push ups and 20 squats.

  2. 38:42, w/jumping pullups. Did in 10 sets. Humidity made this workout harder because I ran outside.
