Sunday, May 9, 2010

Monday 05/10/2010

Outcast: It is a very exciting day, as we will be unveiling the new Outcast apparel in the morning! Let's celebrate with the following workout:

80 squats
95lb push press x10
60 squats
95lb push press x20
40 squats
95lb push press x30
20 squats

T & T Workout (5/1):

4 rounds:

10 pullups
20 pushups
30 situps
40 squats

Rest 3 minutes between rounds. Attempt to go through each round as fast as possible


  1. Complete as many rounds in seven minutes as you can of:
    95 pound Squat clean, 10 reps
    20 Sit-ups

    4 Rounds

  2. 19 minutes, 33 seconds, with jumping pullups.

  3. 16:48 with assisted pullups, although the break was 2 minutes.

  4. 21:36. alternated between straight pullups and chinups, last 2 rounds did not do 10 in a row, had to stop for a moment at times for pullups/chinups.
