Monday, May 31, 2010

Tuesday 06/01/2010

T&T Workout (8/2):

25 bodybuilders
100 lunges
50 box jumps
100 situps
25 bodybuilders

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Monday 05/31/2010


3 rounds:

800m run
50 situps
50 KB swings

T&T Workout (8/1):

Run 1 mile
50 pullups
150 pushups
300 squats
Run 1 mile

Workout begins and ends with 1 mile run. Exercises can be done in order, or partitioned anyway necessary (ex: 10 rounds of 5 pullups/15 pushups/30 squats). Give yourself a strict 45 minute time limit-this will be a very challenging workout physically and mentally. Workouts for the rest of the week will be scaled down, leading up to your final test.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Friday 05/28/2010

Outcast Workout:

Total rounds in 20 minutes:

(5 pullups-10 pushups-15 squats)x5
10 power clean and jerks (95/65)

T&T Workout (7/5):

Light run/stretch; prepare for test #2

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Thursday 05/27/2010

T&T Workout (7/4):

Run 1/2 mile
25 pullups
75 pushups
125 squats
Run 1/2 mile

Complete exercises in order before moving on

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wednesday 05/26/2010


Strength workout:

Pause back squats 3-3-3-3-3
+20 situps between rounds

T&T Workout (7/3):

5 rounds:

1/4 mile run
40 situps

Monday, May 24, 2010

Tuesday 05/25/2010

Total rounds in 20 minutes:

5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

Attempt to beat original score, or attempt to do as many regular pullups as possible

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Monday 05/24/2010


5 deadlifts
10 DB thrusters
5 deadlifts
15 DB thrusters
5 deadlifts
20 DB thrusters
Run 800m
5 deadlifts
15 DB thrusters
5 deadlifts
10 DB thrusters

Deadlifts @70%-80% 1RM

T&T Workout (7/1):

3 rounds:

1/2 mile run
21 burpees w/2 pushups

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Friday 05/21/2010


1st minute, do as many squats as you can, up to 60. The next minute, subtract the actual number of squats you did from 60, and do that many pullups. Repeat this cycle for 12 minutes.

T & T (6/5):

Rest, prepare for test

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thursday 05/20/2010

T&T Workout (6/4)

100 burpees

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wednesday 05/19/2010


Thrusters x20 (95/65)
SDHP x20 (95/65)
Push press x20 (95/65)
Wallballs x20 (20/10)

Additionally, at the top of every minute, we will be doing 10 pushups, regardless of where you are at in your exercise. Get through as many times (or as far) as possible 20 minutes

T&T Workout (6/3):

Run 1/4 mi
25 pullups
Run 1/4 mi
50 pushups
Run 1/4 mi
75 situps
Run 1/4 mi
100 squats

Monday, May 17, 2010

Tuesday 05/18/2010

21-18-15-12-9-6-3-1 reps:

Weighted lunges
Weighted situps

For lunges, use two DB's or hold a weight plate overhead. Left + right = one rep. Alternate back and forth between exercises. Make sure lunges are full-range and deep; back stays straight.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Monday 05/17/2010


3 rounds:

30 deadlifts (@50%-60% of 1RM)
30 box jumps

We are dually celebrating the delivery of the first batch Outcast shirts and Steve's return from New Orleans; welcome home!!!

T & T Workout (6/1):

100 squats-30 box jumps-30 pullups-30 situps-30 pushups-30 wallballs-30 burpees-run 1/2 mile. All exercises to be done in order.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Friday 05/14/2010


50/10-40/8-30/6-20/4-10/2 reps:

KB swings
Deadlift 185/105

Alternate workout will be the Runner's Workout, for those doing the race on Sunday

T & T Workout (5/5):

Jump rope 5 min
30 box jumps & 30 situps
Jump rope 3 min
25 box jumps & 25 situps
Jump rope 1 min
20 box jumps & 20 situps

If you don't have boxes, do jumping squats

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Thursday 05/13/2010

T & T Workout (5/4)

3 rounds:

1/2 mile run
60 squats

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wednesday 05/12/2010

Outcast Workout:

(3) 5 minute rounds:

15 SDHP (95lb/65lb) at the beginning of each round, then:
10 situps
10 KB swings

At the beginning of each round, complete 15 SDHP, then for the remainder of the 5 minutes, complet ASMRAP of the 10 situps/10 KB swings. 3 rounds, no rest in between. Score is total # of rounds of situps/KB swings

T & T Workout (5/3):

Total rounds in 20 minutes:

10 Pullups
15 Bodybuilders

A bodybuilder is a burpee + a little extra thrown in: after you complete your pushup, spread your legs wide, bring them back together, then stand and complete the squat portion of the burpee. No need to thank me, your welcome.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Tuesday 05/11/2010

T & T Workout (5/2):

1/4 mile intervals x8; 2 min rest between rounds

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Monday 05/10/2010

Outcast: It is a very exciting day, as we will be unveiling the new Outcast apparel in the morning! Let's celebrate with the following workout:

80 squats
95lb push press x10
60 squats
95lb push press x20
40 squats
95lb push press x30
20 squats

T & T Workout (5/1):

4 rounds:

10 pullups
20 pushups
30 situps
40 squats

Rest 3 minutes between rounds. Attempt to go through each round as fast as possible

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Friday 05/07/2010


Run 800m
Sn Balance x30
Lunge x30
Pullups x30
KB swings x30
Box jumps x30
DB push press x30
Run 800m

T & T Workout (4/5):

"Deck of Cards" (pushups-situps-squats-lunges)

Get a regular deck of cards; assign one of the exercises above to a corresponding suit. Whatever number comes up = the reps you do for that exercise (ex: if you assign hearts to pushups, and a 7 of hearts comes up, you do 7 pushups). Face cards =10 reps, aces =11 reps. Each one of the jokers =15 burpees. Run through the deck as fast as you can.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Thursday 05/06/2010

T & T Workout (4/4):

10 rounds:

10 pullups
10 burpees