Outcast Workout:(3) 5 minute rounds:
15 SDHP (95lb/65lb) at the beginning of each round, then:
10 situps
10 KB swings
At the beginning of each round, complete 15 SDHP, then for the remainder of the 5 minutes, complet ASMRAP of the 10 situps/10 KB swings. 3 rounds, no rest in between. Score is total # of rounds of situps/KB swings
T & T Workout (5/3):Total rounds in 20 minutes:
10 Pullups
15 Bodybuilders
A bodybuilder is a burpee + a little extra thrown in: after you complete your pushup, spread your legs wide, bring them back together, then stand and complete the squat portion of the burpee. No need to thank me, your welcome.