Thursday, October 27, 2011

Monday 11/07/2011

I. Floor to overhead 20 total reps

II. Good mornings 30 total reps

III. Pullups 20 total reps

IV. Sit-ups x100

Friday 11/04/2011

I. Deadlift 40 total reps

II. OHS 30 total reps

III. Situps 120 total reps

Wednesday 11/02/2011

I. Bench 40 total reps

II. Weighted dips 30 total reps

III. Pushups 40 total reps

Monday 10/31/11

I. Squat: 40 total reps

II. RDL: 30 total reps

III. Weighted situps: 100 total reps

New cycle. The object is to find a weight that you can do the prescribed reps with in 4 sets or less, for the first two exercises. Once the reps/sets scheme is reached, you will increase the weight used for the next workout.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Friday 10/28/11

I. Deadlift 8x4 reps (try to increase weight from last week)

II. 3 rounds:

Max reps bench + max reps pullups

Wednesday 10/26/2011

I. Push press 15-12-10-10

II. 3 min/AMRAP with 1min rest between:

-7 KB swings + 7 box jumps
-7 wallballs + 7 pushups
-7 deadlifts (135/75) + 7 burpees

Monday 10/24/2011

I. Squat 15-12-10-10

II. 3 rounds fo time:

10 pullups
20 pushups
30 situps
40 squats

Browns won, but they still blow. No talent, drama every year, blah-blah-blah, etc... Let's go Cavs. Oh, wait. No basketball. Okay, let's go tribe. Oh wait, they suck too. Can we bring back the Force?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wednesday 10/19/2011

I. Deadlift 8x4

II. 1 round:

-Run 1 mi
-100 weighted situps

Monday 10/17/2011

I. Push press 12-15 reps x4 rounds

II. 4 rounds (not fo time):

-12 curls (DB or barbell)
-20 dips
-25 weighted situps

Friday 10/14/2011

I. Squat 15x4

II. 21-15-9 reps:

-Box jumps
-run 200m each round

Wednesday 10/12/2011

I. Bench press 15x4

II. 4 rounds (not fo time):

-30 weighted situps
-20 pushups
-10 pullups

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Monday 10/10/11

I. Deadlift 10 x 4 sets

II. 10 min/OTM:

Floor to overhead (95/65)

Will begin the first minute with three reps, then increase by one every minute.

Friday 10/07/2011

I. Push press 10 x 4 sets

II. 4 rounds (not timed):
-10 curls
-15 dips
35 weighted situps

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wednesday 10/05/11

I. Squat 10 reps x 4 sets

II. 4 rounds (not for time)

-05 thrusters
-05 pull ups
-30 weighted situps

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Monday 10/03/2011

I. Bench press 8x4 rounds

II. 3 rounds (not for time)

35 weighted sit-ups
25 pushups
15 pull ups